Creating Stories

For Life.

Roadtrippin’ Colorado

I never thought I would be a road trip person….that was until I wanted to see as much of Colorado as possible in five days. Taking a road trip through Colorado was one of the scariest, exhilarating, breathtaking, most beautiful things I’ve ever done in my life. Driving through the mountains was an experience like none other, especially for someone who has never seen mountains. Also, on a side note, a rental car that is eco-powered spices things up for an adventure as well haha.

Denver, Colorado Things to Do

We stayed outside of Denver in a town called Englewood, therefore exploring the city life was a must before starting the road trip. Wylie and I got all dressed up to go downtown and explore Larimer Square. This historic stretch was decorated to my likings. Christmas lights stretched across the main road to set a romantic scene. Horse-drawn carriages frolicked through the streets, carrying passengers of all ages behind. Valet’s stood at the curb waiting for the next couple or group of friends to arrive dressed to a tee. After browsing the street, and window shopping, we decided to look for a restaurant. Because it was, coincidentally, restaurant week in Denver, we had plenty of options. The first place was absolutely beautiful, but it was a bit too crowded and loud for our tastes.

Thirty minutes later, we found a table for two at Ted’s Montana Grill. I, like always, ordered a steak, while Wylie settled with a burger; both of which were so delicious. We made a few jokes about the theme of the restaurant, it was part picnic, part Titanic, part classy, part retro. So, if you are looking for a restaurant that makes you question its design, yet has great food, this is the place for you! Not sure if anyone actually looks for a restaurant based on design, but I thought I’d throw that in there. Regardless, I particularly enjoyed downtown Denver because cities always make me excited due to growing up in a small, rural town.

Royal George Bride

Next stop on the road, the Royal George Bridge. The drive on the way to the bridge was a combination of loosing GPS  signals, mountain views to the left and right, and a few small towns with population signs under 1,000. However, once we got to the bridge park, I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes. It was spectacular. The bridge was a long, long, long ways above the ground, something I find very awesome. Walking across the bridge was extremely windy. At one point I had to hang on to the side of the bridge (comforting, I know) to keep myself from blowing over. When the wind periodically calmed down, and there wasn’t hair in my face, the view was astonishing…check out the pictures below. Highly recommend seeing this, preferably on a less windy day, but still, it’s a must.

Iron Mountain Hot Springs – Hot Springs in Colorado

For a few hours of relaxation, we headed to the Iron Mountain Hot Springs in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. I know I’ve said this A LOT in this blog already, but seriously, the drive was spectacular. Words don’t do it justice, and neither do half of these pictures…so I’m telling you now: Put Colorado near the top of your bucket list, and make it happen! Even though the run-away truck ramps, elevations over 12,000 feet, and snowy conditions lasted for a good chunk of the drive, it was all worth it.

When we arrived at the hot springs, we were greeted by many friendly staff. They explained the hot springs and said they had over 15 different springs all ranging in temperatures from 97-105 degrees. We tried out a variety of them, but settled on the 98 degree one for the majority of the time. It felt great to just sit, relax, and look at snowy mountains surrounding you. It was a perfect spring break vaca’ because let’s all be honest, a break from school is needed for any kind of college student.

Garden of Gods Park, Colorado Springs

Another stop on the road trip was the Garden of Gods Park. This was not on the planned route, but after our zip-line tour guides mentioned it, we thought we had to give it a try. AND I”M SO GLAD WE DID. We got to the park near sun-set and settled on a few red rocks to take in the view. A storm was brewing up in the mountains, so it created this chilly feeling. The locals in Colorado Springs said they rarely ever see snow in their town because the mountains stop it all from coming. Garden of Gods park almost looked like a scene out of a Fast and Furious movie. Fancy cars sitting on top of huge lookout areas, and winding roads that went on for miles. I’m glad we decided to make a pit stop because it’s something I have never witnessed before. Check out the pictures….

One thing that people asked is…are you going skiing there? After a lot of decision making, we decided to keep skiing for another trip. However, when we did drive through the snowy mountains, and ski lodges, we were very tempted to change our mind. Even though we live in a snowy state, it was unreal to see the difference in altitude and weather once we were 12,000 feet up. Also, if you ever want to argue with your significant other for at least two hours about his or her driving, this is the best place to do so haha- its guaranteed to happen.

Red Rock Amphitheatre, Colorado

Onto the next portion of our road trip, one of the most visited tourist attractions in Colorado is the Red Rock Amphitheatre.  It was a sunny and 70 degree afternoon there, so many people were visiting. The amphitheater is used throughout the year for many concerts, events, and entertainment purposes. When it’s not being used for an event, many individuals come there to workout, climb some stairs, and take in the outdoor breeze. Although it was fun to see, I would have liked to experience it in an event setting.

Besides the actual destinations on our road trip, we took a few wrong ways, left turns, and purposely drifted off course to take a few pictures. Sometimes the best things in life are “off road.”

Air Force Museum in Colorado

One of the last stops on our road trip was a very popular Air Force Museum. Having never gone to something like this before, we were both blown away, pun intended. It looked like a museum that was used to shoot lots of Hollywood movies in. We only spent about an hour there, but I would assume if you are with a family or have children, more time would be needed.

As our road trip came to an end, I realized how much more of the United States and world I have yet to discover. However, with my 2018 goal being 3 countries and 3 states, I am looking forward to continuing the adventure of life, expanding my travel blog, and taking more breathtaking pictures. Colorado, I will never forget you. Also, I will more than likely be back!

Colorado 2018.

April 15, 2018

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